Monday, August 31, 2009

Two Essential As

Just to see his smile makes my life worthwhile. _To Know Him is to Love Him by Amy Winehouse.

I remember the morning I met two of the most essential people in my life. I can recall the place, the way the room looked, the season, the weather, the time of the day. But I cannot remember if there was anybody else there except my two As. They kind of swallowed everybody else in my memory. And it was only a matter of time until we became "thick as thieves." But we started as mere co-workers.

The first A was somebody that, with time, became my brother. His sweet friendly smile made me click with him immediatly. We were laughing out loud in just a few minutes, cracking up and making jokes. Just a few months later we were confidants. Our friendship strengthened during the hard times that came just years later. He has a permanent room in my heart and I hope I have him in my life for many, many years to come.

The second A blew me away with what I call "his million watts smile." Our boss described it as "the smile that melts." I swear it does. There, I confess. If one moment in my life defines the terms "instant attraction," that would be it. I heard "Get a grip!"inside my brain a thousand times. At that point, I had only felt once before that insane, crazy, uncontrolable burn. Call it lust, call it freaking awesome magnetism. Still, until now, I cannot explain to myself what kind of chain chemical reaction does this A start in me every time I see him. Just complete and utter loss of rational thinking and control.

So there they were, ready to start the day, my two As. Friendly, lovely, brotherly A and brazilian, lose-my-mind, I-do-not-know-what-to-call-you A. The first day at my new job... just another regular day at work...

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