Tuesday, September 6, 2016

And still...

"If I could stay then the night would give you up
Stay, then the day would keep its trust

Stay, with the demons you drowned

Stay, with the spirit I found

Stay, and the night would be enough"

U2,  Stay (Faraway, So Close)

3,582 miles, 6 hours, 6 years. Numbers as distance, numbers as difference, numbers as maturity. But when it comes to us, meaningless numbers. Because when we talk, we trascend geography, time and age. Faraway, yet so close. So close, and still... so full of meaning, so unreachable. 

I stayed that night two months ago. I stayed because you asked me. I stayed because you saw me, and I saw you. Because we both recognized our spirits and wondered where we had been all this time. It was so late... and so early. A kiss suprised me with the sunrise.  And still... too short, too shy, too restrained.

I left and, even so, I stayed. And you left with me,  hidden between the space between my head and my heart. We kept each other, in a suspended space without time and distance. Where reality couldn't touch us, where we tailored it to our dreams, where insticts ruled and truths flowed. And still... reality watched behind a glass and lies creeped up on us. 

I peeked into you, I enjoyed, I adored. For the first time I met my match, an equal so different but yet so similar. You found me and I found you.   I wanted to go beyond, longing to explore the depths of a soul I sensed as my twin, yearning for hours of conversation to undress our minds, leave them bare, learn, assimilate, merge. Too fill myself with you, and fill you with myself. And still... I got crumbs, smoke... half empty, half full.

I know that if your skin touched mine now, pore to pore, we would combust. The flames will glow high and burn so hot that they would keep us warm forever. And still... presence and now are cold ashes of our imagination. 

I feel you belong with me...and I belong with you. You are the lyrics to my song, the compass in my journey, the path I want to walk. You give a new meaning to first times and significance to the last. And still... You are a verse that cannot be sung, a step that cannot be taken, a lesson that cannot be had... and you don't belong with me.

 I believe in your admiration, respect, loyalty and love because they mirror mine. so deeply ingrained in my heart. I believe in you, you and me, you and everything. And still...  I can only feel the empty pain in myself, the nothing in "just me".

It is too late... and yet so early.  And still... sundown  has yet to arrive. Maybe if I stay, I'll get a kiss at sunrise. Maybe...