Thursday, November 12, 2009


 “When I look back on my ordinary, ordinary life, I see so much magic, though I missed it at the time.”- Photograph Jamie Cullum. 

So I am one year older, one year wiser. I haven’t felt this free and happy in years. I feel reborn and at peace with myself. Maybe a little worn and tattered around the edges, but ready to open a white, clean, new page to scribble on. Life is a roller coaster, a merry-go-round and a parade. Why just choose only one when you can enjoy all three?

I am proud to say that, since I can remember, I have lived to the fullest. Loved, hated, screamed, cried, laughed, smiled…felt with all my heart and soul. Passionate as I am sometimes things looked a tad subdued but deep inside I knew that a fiery fire kept burning, my unquenchable thirst kept me going. A good friend called it “lust for life”, the spark that I thought I lost but still was there, tucked under a warm blanket, waiting to be awakened by the new day. A new day, a new road, a new life…

How many promise does this new life hold? I am sure that if what is on store is half as exciting as what has been past I am in for a good ride. And I know my travel companions are the best. Along these years I have probably gathered the most interesting, diverse, witty, beautiful, loving, sweet, intelligent, amazing, wonderful group of friends. And do not expect normal. After all, who’s normal? They are extravagant, spectacular, extraordinary. Spread all around the globe, always there (or almost), can turn into anything you need in a given moment. Deep conversationalists, great cooks, mum confidantes, elegant clubbers, gossip queens, smart conspirers … take your pick because you’ll find at least one of each. If I need a bear hug, a silly laugh, a good cry, some screaming or a plain old good apple pie… I know where to find them. And they know they have me, whenever they need me (or I hope they do!)

Looking back has been painful, but not anymore. There is so much good in my life that comes from my past. So much promise, so much magic. Sometimes I might not be able to see it but today I embrace it. Today my album is full of good memories.